Handling of Feedback and Complaints

Code of Ethics: This Practice abides by the AMA Code of Practice.  Please discuss any problems in a timely manner with the doctor or staff on duty.  Your concerns will be attended to promptly and confidentially without discrimination.

Feedback: We are interested in your suggestions and appreciate your input.  Periodically Patients will be asked to assist us by completing a confidential survey.  You will not be required to provide a name.  Anytime you can provide feedback to reception.

If you wish to take any complaints further you may contact:

Office of the Health Ombudsman

Po Box 13281 George Street
Brisbane Qld 4003

Ph: 133 OHO (133 646)

Fax: (07) 3319 6350

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.oho.qld.gov.au/contact-us/