MJD Health Medical Clinics

MJD Health Medical Clinics own and operate Emerald Lakes Medical Clinic

Longer Appointments

Our doctors may ask you to rebook another appointment for complex cases or for issues that require more time. In this case, issues will be dealt with on an urgency basis. If your appointment involves an insurance, employment medical, driving or work injury, please notify the receptionist so a longer appointment can be allocated for you.

Telephone Calls

Our doctors do not take calls during consultations however, our receptionists are able to take detailed messages and pass it on to our doctors. Emergency calls can be referred on to our nursing staff as deemed necessary. For medical assistance outside of practice hours, please contact the National Home Doctor Service on 137 425.

Repeat Prescription/ Referrals

In keeping with doctors’ legal and ethical responsibilities to monitor your health and ensure all issues are being discussed, you are required to attend your doctor for repeat prescriptions and referrals.

Test Results

All patient information are kept private and confidential. This includes your test results and as such, no results are given out over the phone. An appointment is necessary to obtain results to investigations and pathology.

Medical Record Confidentiality

Our practice ensures that your personal health information is only available to authorised staff members and handled in compliance with the current Australian Privacy Principles. With your consent, we collect your personal information (name, address, contact details, Medicare number and medical history) for the purpose of managing your healthcare and for billing purposes.

Security of Information

All information is securely protected in an encrypted software. No personal information will be used for direct marketing without consent of the patient.

Pathology, Radiology, Other Providers

Each external provider has their own fees and rules regarding when a service is rebatable. We are not responsible to ensure a particular fee will be applied in your circumstances. Please discuss fees with your third-party service provider.

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